Location: Tucson, Arizona

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Cute but stinky.

I realize that this blog has my name on it, and I have not been responsible for a single post. I might be more interested in posting to a blog if I did not spend all day taking care of and talking to a baby. That tends to limit the things that I can make conversation about. Unless, of course, you're interested in hearing about the frequency and consistency of bowel movements, feedings, and bathings.
I love taking care of Claire, but I now understand a little bit about the particular brand of insanity that belongs to stay-at-home parents....the kind of insanity that drives people to watch The View or Live! With Regis and Kelly.
Oops, Claire just threw up and managed to get it all over the back of her hair. Bathtime!


Blogger Working Gal said...

Jenny - It's good to see you balancing out the pictures of autopsied mice! I'm glad you guys are doing well. I well understand the insanity of staying at home with a baby - I would tell you it gets better, but...eventually they start talking back! Looking forward to seeing you guys at Christmas. When Marie is there, you will certainly get a break - I think she held Brandon for 3 hours straight when they first met.

6:32 AM  

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